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Update: Brown’s LGBTQ Center 

Thanks to a generous donation, Brown’s LGBTQ Center significantly expands space, programming and resources for the University’s queer community with its new location, known as Stonewall House. 

For more information, read the latest article!

Student Leadership Conferences


A great website for finding conferences centered on diversity and inclusion for college students and their campus-based advisors. These conferences aim to provide student leaders and advisors with the resources, tools, and support to address the critical topics of diversity and social justice issues challenging their campuses today. 

ISE can provide registration fees for a limited number of students on a first come, first served basis. Contact ISE for more information.


Equity and Compliance Office Update


The Office of Institutional Discrimination and Bias has a new name! Newly named “Equity & Compliance”, the staff will continue to provide the same support to the RISD community as it has previously while also being charged with addressing compliance with federal and state regulations. For more information, visit their website!


RISD Extrademics


RISD students enjoy access to a wide range of welcoming spaces across campus, from libraries and labs to exhibition galleries, the RISD Museum and more. These resources—known together as extrademics—work independently, collectively and responsively to provide students with dynamic academic support and opportunities—and a sense of community that extends past disciplinary boundaries.

Learn more about Extrademics here!

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